RLadies+ featuring useR! meetup

This year useR! (https://user2021.r-project.org/) will be a global and entirely remote conference. One of the main goals is to encourage the participation of diverse people (considering diversity in all its forms and all its intersectionalities). The …

Using Tidyverse for Genomics

This workshop will present how to analyze & visualize processed genomics data. This workshop will be divided in 5 parts: Part 1: Getting started w/ readr Part 2: Reshaping data w/ tidyr Part 3: Data wrangling w/ dplyr Part 4: Visualizing tidy data …

S-layers: the proteinaceous multifunctional armours of Gram-positive pathogens

Phage-shock-protein (Psp) Envelope Stress Response: Evolutionary History & Discovery of Novel Players

RLEL Workshop on RMarkdown & Reproducible Research

RLEL Workshop on DataViz 2.0

Tidyverse for Genomics

Using Tidyverse for Genomics workshop

Tidyverse workshop

Join us!

Looking for undergraduate/graduate students, postdocs, and scientific programmer!