Appendix G — Career/Professional Development
G.0.1 Define and Measure Immediate, Tangible Growth Opportunities
G.1 Writing
- Update CV & submit it for feedback
- Perform and submit a self-evaluation: strengths, weakness, and career goals (w/ timeline)?
- Create a blog or submit a blog post about your project or lab experience to be posted on the lab’s blog
- Read and review an article and post your comments on PubPeer or bioRxiv
G.2 Presenting
- Prepare for an elevator pitch
- Volunteer to give a talk (campus event, seminar, or elsewhere for outreach)
- Sign-up for mentoring and outreach
G.3 Networking
- Join Mastodon/BlueSky/Twitter and post a message
- Make a simple website (or LinkedIn profile) promoting yourself and your science/technology
- Initiate contact with a scientist/professional outside the lab/institution (whom you don’t know before) – get career advice, scientific advice, or a letter
G.4 Other
- Join a professional society
G.4.1 Credits
Avasthi and Krishnan labs.