1  Onboarding

Welcome to JRaviLab! We are excited that you are here — as a student, postdoc, or visiting researcher! We have a number of resources available in this short e-book and on Slack. Please take the time to check these out. As you read them, if something is unclear, please feel free to reach out to the group anytime.

Once you are done with the ‘familiarizing’ and getting to know the first steps, please send me (JR) a message on Slack. Please bring your questions, thoughts, and feedback to the meeting.

Good luck & welcome aboard! 🎉

2 Mission, Expectations, Conduct, Support

We believe in investing in and nurturing scientists as much as the science. We pride ourselves on providing a safe and inclusive space for people across intersectionalities. We are committed to mentoring (postdocs, students, programmers), education and outreach, and personalized professional development. We are passionate about increasing diversity and retention in STEM and quantitative sciences. If you share our passion, please reach out to us!

3 Role-Specific Expectations

Details on expectations per-role can be found here in the Roles and expectations section, but if you have any questions, feel free to talk to any of us!

4 Lab Proceedings

5 Slack

Since our lab runs on Slack, let’s first get you on there. All our conversations & every last bit of science get done here! :) So, please install this on your desktops (phones) and turn on notifications during working hours, whenever that is!

5.1 Getting started

When you join, please introduce yourself in #general. Tell us a little about yourself here — where you are from, what your interests are, science-wise or otherwise, why you are interested in working with us, and in what capacity you’ll be joining us.

I’ve never used Slack – where do I even start? Maybe you can start with the Slack cheatsheet and Keyboard shortcuts.

5.2 What next?

Next, you can join the different channels to participate in various kinds of conversations with the group — look at the channel description, check out the pinned messages of the channel, and dive right in! Here are a few examples.

Finally, you will be invited to specific project channels (based on the primary and secondary projects you will be working on). Based on chats with your colleagues, if you’d like to contribute to/give feedback to other projects, feel free to join those channels too.

5.3 Meet the group

You may have briefly spoken to a few group members prior to joining. I urge you to take the first few weeks to introduce yourself to the group members and chat with them (via Slack or over coffee/tea) to find out what they are up to and learn a bit about the lab.

6 GitHub

If you haven’t already, please create a professional GitHub account (e.g., jananiravi) with your full name. Once you pass that along to us, we will add you to the JRaviLab GitHub organization. Also, a neat memorable username will give you the opportunity to host your own webpage (e.g., jravilab.github.io or jananiravi.github.io). Our group repo is here.

7 Social media

If you have officially joined us as a grad or postdoc, or undergrad for 3/6+ months, you will automatically get added to our group webpage. If not, please check a few sample pages and furnish me with those details – I can add you there right away. Also, we use Twitter for professional networking & announcements (connecting with the broader scientific/R/technical communities). If you have a Twitter handle, share it with me (DM), or follow #auto-twitter for updates. You can check out/follow a few accounts maintained by us: JRaviLab | my handle | RLadies-Aurora | RLadies-EastLansing | Women+ Data Science | AsiaR | ISMB EvolCompGen COSI. Thanks to recent interesting changes at Twitter, people have been migrating to Mastodon (e.g., genomic.social, fosstodon, JRaviLab) and Bluesky | my handle!

If you would like to co-maintain any of these accounts or our webpage, please DM me. I’m always looking for volunteers! :)