R-Ladies East Lansing: 2018, Year in Review

Thanks to everyone who attended, participated or sponsored R-Ladies East Lansing in 2018! We had a fantastic start & a very successful first 6mo on campus! We hosted 7 meetups since July 2018 including two very well-attended workshops (70+ attendees) and a DataViz challenge! Help us continue spreading the R & Data Science spirit across MSU in 2019! Contact us eastlansing@rladies.org about co-hosting or sponsoring a meetup/workshop in Spring 2019. As always, R-Ladies events are open to all R-users across all levels of expertise including students, faculty and staff, and non-MSU folks.
2019: What’s Next?
Upcoming Workshops
Intro to Statistics w/ R (Spring; workshop series) Intro to RMarkdown (Summer) Intro to Shiny (Summer) Intro to Version Control (Git) w/ R (Summer)
Register & RSVP on Meetup: https://meetup.com/rladies-eastlansing Would you like to team-lead a workshop? Contact us if you’d to present for 5–10 min slots within the workshop or longer if desired. Join the channels on Slack: #workshop-rstats #workshop-shiny #workshop-rmarkdown OR Email us: eastlansing@rladies.org
Introduce a Girl to Engineering (2019-02-16)
Register for R-Ladies East Lansing’s activity booth: http://meetu.ps/e/Gfntz/yBMBS/f MSU Women in Engg. outreach: http://bit.ly/msu-wie-k12-outreach
Women in Data Science Conference (2019-04)
Register: Would like to give a talk/present a poster? Stay tuned on Meetup. Contact us: eastlansing@rladies.org
R-Ladies East Lansing Bookclub
Academic incl.
- R for Data Science
- Learning Statistics with R
- R programming for Data Science
- Hands-On Programming with R ### Nonfiction incl.
- Algorithms to Live by
- Weapons of Math Destruction ### Blog posts & Articles incl.
- Excuse me, do you have a moment to talk about version control?
- Good enough practices in Scientific Computing
- Happy Git w/ R
2018: Year in Review
The Team
Organizers: Janani Ravi, Camille Archer Other co-organizers: Kayla Johnson, Arjun Krishnan, Nate Davis
Meetup Presentations/Material
GitHub | Google Drive | Photos
2018 Sponsors
INSERT Grand Traverse Pie (2018-12) | Business Analytics (2018-11) | SSDA (2018-10) | Krishnan Lab (2018-09) | College of Veterinary Medicine (2018-09) | BEACON (2018-08) | iCER (2018-07)
2018 Meetups
Kickoff meeting
Welcome to RLEL | Who We Are | What We Do | Upcoming Meetups
Lightning talks
Aug 13, 2018 Git & R by Melissa Dale Experimental languages w/ R by Le Ni La Having fun w/ Rcade by Kayla Johnson Websites w/ R by Camille Archer UpSet plots w/ R by Janani Ravi @bigdataignite for their conference promo.
Sep 10, 2018 Morphospaces w/ #Geomorph by Acacia Ackles Integrating Python & R w/ #Reticulate by Anna Yannakopoulos Literature Survey w/ #Bibliometrix by Veronica Frans GLM w/ #glmulti by Lauren Wisnieski Cool #dataviz resources Data-to-Viz RGraph Gallery by Janani Ravi
Sep 24, 2018 Spatial Humanities w/ R Rachael White R/qtl Miranda Haus Hyenas, Microbes & R Connie Rojas Publication quality figures w/ #ggpubr by Taylor Dunivin R+LaTeX=knitr Cara Feldscher
Intro to Tidy Data Workshop: GitHub • Google Drive Data Visualization Workshop: GitHub • Google Drive
You & R-Ladies East Lansing
- Join the R-Ladies Community on Slack (bit.ly/rlel-slack-signup)
- Lead (or team-lead) presentations/discussions in a meetup
- Help run the meetup(s) (help R-newbies, help pick up pizza)
- Contribute to Blog Entries, Webpage (rladies-eastlansing.github.io)
- Be a Social Butterfly (Twitter | Facebook | Courier pigeon?)
- Sponsor a meeting (OR help find us monthly meeting sponsors; <$75)
- Bring in a speaker and/or Bring in fellow R-users!
Suggest a topic & bring in volunteers from the 200+ Meetup/Slack R-Ladies!
Getting Involved @ R-Ladies: https://rladies.org/about-us/help/
How to be in touch?
Access our presentations, R scripts and more on Github and follow us on twitter to stay up to date about R-Ladies news! Join the Meetup group to be notified of the first meeting in July!
- R-Ladies Global
- Meetup: https://meetup.com/rladies-east-lansing/
- Twitter: @RLadiesELansing & @RLadiesGlobal
- Slack: https://rladies-eastlansing.slack.com
- Github: @rladies-eastlansing & @rladies
- E-mail:
- eastlansing [at] rladies [dot] org
- janani [at] rladies [dot] org
- info [at] rladies [dot] org
- Meetup: https://meetup.com/rladies-east-lansing/
PS Community Policies & Code of Conduct:
Full community guidelines are found here: https://github.com/rladies/starter-kit/wiki